Monday 25 May 2015

Farewell... and enjoy yourselves!

Right, guys... this is the end!

Thank you for getting into this and doing your blogs! 

For me, it was a very positive experience. I really had fun watching your videos and activities, as well as getting to know a little bit more about you through them sometimes :)

What about you? Did you like writing the blog or not? What did you like the most? Do you have any negative comment for it? Would you change anything?

Write a final post saying goodbye and writing your personal opinion! (PS: You can also add some funny icon of yourself, if you want to)

Monday 11 May 2015

The fight club

The Fight Club is a movie directed by David Fincher and starred by Edward Norton and Brad Pitt (Tyler Durden). Is is also based on a novel written by Chuck Palamiuk.

The action takes place nowadays in an American city. The main character is the narrator of the story, interpreted by Edward Norton, but we never get to know his name. He describes himself as the typical “Ikea man”: obsessed with having everything he sees on Ikea's catalogues and new brands, but unable to feel anything at all. 

The story begins when he meets Tyler Durden by chance. By chance, as well, they end up living together and founding the “Fight club”, a club where men meet to fight, and whose main rule is “You do not talk about fight club”. All these facts, together with meeting a very strange but interesting woman, Marla Singer, will turn the narrator’s life upside-down.

In the end nothing is as it seems to be: Tyler Durden is not simply a man full of energy and criticism against society, and the Fight Club is an organization deeper and more dangerous than a simple club of fight.

Personally speaking, I think it is one of the best movies I have ever seen.What surprised me above everything is the ending of the story, and the final image is completely beautiful and poetic for me but, obviously, I cannot tell anything about it.

Now get ready to work!
Choose your favourite movie or TV series, and write an article about it!
The article must include:
  • Setting
  • Summary
  • Personal opinion

If you want some help vocabulary and expressions, click here: Writing a film or a book review

Wednesday 22 April 2015

My Disney timeline

I have already watched a lot of Disney movies throughout my life, and I have loved most of them!

Here you have the timelime with my favourite disney movies :)

Guess what you have to do now... 

Yes! You have to create your own Timeline with Dipity and add, at least, 10 items including information and an image or a video! 
Have fun!

Do you need some help? Here you have a step-by-step explanation!

Wednesday 8 April 2015

My music band

What do you have to do?
Easy! You have to make a poster with a short biography of your favorite music band.

To do you it you can use:

  • Piktochart -> Better for you, since you know it and it is quite nice!
  • Padlet -> A simple tool to make a poster with text, video and images. Instructions available in Spanish,
  • Spaazee -> Make a "notice board" where you can add text, video and images


    Tuesday 10 March 2015

    A different Saint George's Story

    Legend has it, that Saint George was a knight who travelled on his white horse. 

    He arrived to a village decimated by a fearful dragon just the day before the princess had to be sacrificed. 

    With his sword and courage, he killed the dragon, saved the princes... and the village, of course.


    What would have happened if Saint George was an impostor?
         ... or if he hadn't killed the dragon?
         ... of if he had fallen in love with the dragon?

    Think of your own invented story about Saint George and post it in your blog!

    It can be a writing, a presentation, a video, a sound recording... choose your favorite format!

    It is not mine, but this is a good example!

    For last year's winners, click here

    Wednesday 4 March 2015

    My City Mindmap

    Which is the most important city of the world for you? Which city have you loved the most or would you love to visit?

    Choose one city and make a mind -map with information about it.

    It must include:
    1. General information
      1. Location
      2. Population
      3. Religion
      4. Currency
      5. Official language(s)
    2. Short history
    3. Interesting data
      1. Why was the city created?
      2. Why is the city famous for?
    4. Famous people who were born in the city
    5. Places to visit
    6. Typical food
    To do it, use the Mindmomo Tool and don't forget to embed it in your blog!

    Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.



    Friday 30 January 2015

    Love is in the air!

    The task is easy... you have to post a love message or a love story in your blog.

    It can be ANYTHING as long as it is in English and you try to be original!

    What does ANYTHING mean???

    1. Regarding the content...
       a) It can be a declaration of love (anonymous, please!!!)
       b)  It can be a love message for some of your friends
           * Telling memories
           * Telling what you like about them

        c) It can be a love story (sad endings are also allowed!)

    AS USUAL - It can be real... or invented :)

    2. Regarding the format...
        a) It can be a video (with fotos, "draw my life" style, with you and your friends...)
        b) It can be a letter
        c) It can be a virtual postcard

        d) It can be some kind of presentation
        e) It can be a virtual poem
        f) It can be a "short play" (acting, with puppets...)
        g) It can be a virtual comic
        h) It can be something I am unable to imagine!!!!

    For useful tools... click here

    For those boring people who don't like the idea... this is your even-more-boring-than-you task ;) CLICK HERE

    My example!!


    Last year student's videos as well!

    Wednesday 7 January 2015

    Strange sports

    Think of a sport you really like or some strange sportive tradition and look for information about it. Then, make a presentation in order to show it in your blog.

    The presentation must include:
    -        Name of the sport and features:
    o      Number of players
    o      What does it consist of? (How do you play?)
    o      Is there any important competition in the world?
    -        A brief history
    o      Is it a traditional or a modern sport?
    o      When did it start?  Has it suffered any changes?
    o Is there any famous Spanish/Catalan sportsman or sportswoman now?
    -        Main rules -> remember to use modals!!!
    -        Other places where it is also played

    My Christmas Video

    This is my 2013 Christmas video. I know I'm cheating somehow... but at least I'm showing you something :)